Monday, December 16, 2013

It's Only Been Three Years

Life happens when you're trying to plan, right? In the span of those lost 'internet' years, so many things have happened. In a sort of order, we bought a house, got engaged, planned a wedding, rescued a dog "Riley", and got married in early spring of 2013. Looking back at that birth picture makes me smile. Sammy is such a little man now. He walks and talks and laughs and plays. He jumps and sings and dances and dreams. He is so much more than I ever thought I could make. We are eternally grateful for our little family. So grateful, we want to add another!

Moving cross-country has brought me so much joy. I didn't know how it would work out when I was initially thinking of it, but I'm so glad I took the chance. No marriage/relationship is perfect, but we are happy and that's what counts. I think if I would have stayed in Illinois, my life would never have changed. I'd still be acting out. I am fulfilled in ways I never knew were lacking.

I still miss my family incredibly, but there have been visits back and forth to ease the withdrawals. In fact, I had one brother out in the beginning of November and a second brother here for Thanksgiving. It's been really incredible. We've all thrived so well. I'm incredibly happy with where our family is at this time. (Now, if only we could convince Dad to move to the East Coast too...)

I'm going to try to get back into the swing of blogging. I can't promise, (clearly, since it's been almost three years) but I will try.

Tis the season for cheer, after all.

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