As I'm sitting inside today, my Dad tells me that the actual temperature is -15 degrees. The windchill? -41. That brings a whole new meaning to 'cold'. I'm grateful for a warm house and a roof over my head today. Maybe I'll put that in the gratitude jar. Here, it's cold, with a mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Thankfully, B is working from home today.
This morning I finished the book, Champion by Marie Lu. It's the final book in the Legend series. I wanted it to continue on further than it did, but I liked the way the author ended it. The characters were developed wonderfully, and I find myself thinking about them, even after I've finished. It's a mark of a good series. (Like, In Death's Eve and Roarke!)
Now, onto something else... Although I'm not sure what the next book will be.
Warm wishes on this cold, snowy Monday afternoon.
Great, now I have to read it, since you said it says with you like Eve and Roarke! Now to add to my ever growing list of books to read LOL